General FAQs

What Makes Justmatch Special?

At Justmatch, it’s not about searching—it’s about finding! We present jobs only to talents who fully match the required skills and conditions. If there’s no match, we provide feedback on what’s missing, allowing recruiters to adjust their postings and talents to refine their profiles if they wish.

Why Was Justmatch Founded?

We believe globalization and technological advancements have created unprecedented job opportunities worldwide. However, recruiters are now spending most of their time on screening activities. We aim to start a movement advocating for "fewer applications are better," enabling recruiters to focus more on aptitude diagnostics and less on initial screenings.

Why is Justmatch Free for Talents and Affordable for Companies?

We believe the labor market should be accessible to everyone, regardless of their background. This applies to both talents and companies. To build a satisfying product, we charge companies the lowest possible amount, ensuring a fair and inclusive platform for all.

Who Founded Justmatch?

Guided by the adage, "Speak up if you know and stay silent if you don't," our founding team brings a wealth of experience. Rico Möller has over 10 years of expertise in HR and recruitment, working with various startups and scale-ups. Anojen Ratnasingam brings more than a decade of experience in IT as a developer and project manager in the banking and insurance industries. Leander Lenzing, a talented designer for over 10 years, has collaborated with numerous prominent names in the startup and scale-up ecosystem.

What is Justmatch's Product Strategy?

Our mission is to make recruitment easier by focusing on essential features that enhance our matching algorithm. Talents apply through the company’s ATS in the traditional way. We believe companies should invest in their own career pages and ATS rather than maintaining additional platforms.

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